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Holiday program

for life

Holidays in cooperative or contract destinations

Snímka obrazovky 2023-12-12 o 15.44_edit

Virtual presentation




Cooperative pension (refund) with own authorial know-how
Cooperative instrument for creating investment capital
Družstevný nástroj na vytváranie investičného kapitálu
O nás

About a traditional cooperative

We bring together more than a thousand members of the cooperative from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic and other EU countries , interested in a project aimed at generating passive income.

International membership

We bring together more than a thousand members of the team from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic and other EU countries. As a member

you co-own all the assets
and real estate


and services

As a member of a cooperative, you have the opportunity to take advantage of cooperative products and services .


the program

As a member of a cooperative, you have the opportunity to participate in the worldwide PV holiday program, which gives you holidays in cooperative or contracted destinations (approximately 2,700 destinations worldwide).



As a member of the cooperative, by using the products and services of the cooperative, you gain a lifetime share in the profit of the cooperative, the so-called refund,

with your own copyright

know-how .

Become a member of the co-operative with a PV holiday program and you will acquire a co-ownership share in the already existing assets.

Cooperative products

Outdoor Hot Tub
At the Supermarket

Holiday program

Vacation Program

Rental of caravans, caravans, reservation system

Cooperative market  

We prepare

Cooperative projects


Green energy


Payment services

Cooperative projects

Hotel Raj

Družstvo spoluvlastní Hotel Raj, ktorý postupne renovuje na hotel vysokého štandardu. Hotel sa nachádza v prekrásnej lokalite národného parku Slovenský raj.

Družstvo poskytuje do prenájmu členom aj nečlenom karaván a obytný príves, ako aj dostupné dovolenkové pobyty z družstevného rezervačného systému.


Družstvo vlastní znaleckým posudkom ocenený know-how na vytváranie investičného kapitálu - tzv. REFUNDÁCIA. Znalecká cena daného know-how je 1,15 mil.EUR. Know-how je vložený do družstva priamo jeho autorom, ktorý projekt budoval od roku 2001. Know-how je majetkom družstva.

Družstvo vlastní prostredníctvom svojich členov pohľadávky, resp. vlastní približne 53% podiel na celom majetku družstva NFD (v odhadovanej výške do 2 mil.EUR).

Družstvo vykonáva činnosť tipéra v oblasti sprostredkovania poistenia a hypoték.

Družstvo vlastní obchodný podiel v platobnej inštitúcii UPDN ONE s.r.o. s cieľom získať podiel na zisku z činnosti platobných služieb.

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